"PGA Professionals are leaders, role models and educators. Leaders at their facility and in the community; role models at home and in work, and educators of the game, its traditions, and the rules. I am a green grass Golf Professional and believe I can make a difference through my involvement."

Golf has an amazing way of taking you places you otherwise wouldn’t imagine. We tend to be influenced by those PGA Members closest to us and I am fortunate to have my father as my greatest PGA mentor. He exposed me to a lifetime of golf and from an early age I developed a passion for the people, the game, and the business. More importantly, I’ve learned what it means to lead and to provide individual experiences. I pride myself on the ability to create dynamic relationships that are personal and meaningful. Everything I do starts and ends with people. I’ve been given a gift to serve and it has taken me to a place that I am honored to be, a candidate for PGA Secretary.
For the past 20 years I have been intimately involved with the PGA of America, both locally and nationally. At the local level, I began as the Education Chairman for the Gateway PGA which led me to being elected to the Gateway PGA Board of Directors in 2011. My national involvement grew when President Allen Wronowski asked me to join the National PGA Membership Committee. I quickly realized I wanted to pursue more national involvement and was later elected by the Gateway Section as District 7 Director in 2018 serving a term from 2019-2021.
I am a dynamic leader that focuses on the growth and well-being of my fellow Golf Professionals. Regardless of whether I am representing the PGA of America, WingHaven Country Club, or at home, I believe PGA Professionals are role models and must set a good example. Professionalism is a way of life; it is a commitment to excellence. I take a lot of pride in my work and care about the success of my club, my section, my district, and the PGA of America. My goal is to inspire people through my support and involvement.
I am very excited about the next 12 months and honored to be a candidate for secretary. I look forward to listening to all of you and sharing my thoughts on how together we can elevate our professionals, our image, and the brand of the PGA of America.

(636) 485-3807 - cell
(636) 561-9464 - club
Breaking News from November 3rd - Charnes Wins the Election!

PGA Annual Meeting
Candidate Presentation
November 2nd, 2022